Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Russians and Russia

И сладко песнь в честь Родины поется,
И кровь кипит, и сердце гордо бьется,
И с радостью внимаешь звуку слова:
"Я Руси сын! Здесь край моих отцов!"
(И. Никитин)

One the most important thing about Russia it is CULTURA of this country. Russia has near 150 different nationality. And every nationality has it's own culture, traditions and ceremonies. But i will tell more about russians because this nationality the most close to me))) Russians like to sing, they sing when they happy, they sing when they in bad mood, they when they work and they sing on the different meetings. It is why Russia has a lot of different beautiful songs, wich i wish to show u. This songs from different times, from different periods of Russian life in history, but here is songs wich can touch heart of each russian.
In this video u can heare old russian national song and see different national costums. 
When were war on russian territorry ppl created different songs, some of them had no real authors or we dont know them. But this songs gave power for ppl who went to fight, they were strong and patriotic like this.

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